Wednesday 6 May 2015

Wednesday 6th May 2015

Life is a weird thing we watch it change daily without realising and to think when you started school you had no homework and would spend your evenings outside with your friends. I started school when I was 4 so that was in 2002, being in reception I have to admit I loved school there was something about it that made the days so enjoyable. However 13 years on I look at myself and see myself doing my AS levels and wondering what made me make this decision. At 16 in england you choose if you want to go to college to do a BTEC, do apprenticeship or stay on at a school and do your a levels and I am not going to lie I wish I did an apprenticeship because a levels are a type of torture I swear. I was never prepared for this and thinking that I no longer have spare time to relax and I am currently writing this in breaks of revision, it makes me wonder what the future of education is like.
Questions spring in my head and cause sleepless nights and makes me feel unprepared for anything. For example the question 'Will I get into next year?' this makes me lead to thoughts of if I don't then my life is over because I won't go to uni, so I won't get a decent job and my future family will be poor and upset because of my decisions now.  I know that my life is unpredictable, so I could a have an amazing life without going to uni but when we are forced to do these exams I don't think people who are not doing them in this current day and age (i.e. parents, the government and teachers) don't realise whats going through our heads, they just push us to get better and better grades forgetting about all the other pressures you could be facing at moment in time or how you feel. When a teacher pushes me I think do they actually care about my grade or do they just care about the grades because their pay depends on it. The government wants us to do well because the grades of us students are used to reflect on the country. Then the parents do they actually want what is best or do they feel like they want us to do well so they can tell all their colleagues, family and friends and kind of show off about you. The question is who actually cares about you?
Us students need to stick together and help each other because even if we fail we need to tell each other our life is not over there is different options in life and they will make your life just as successful and happy then the way you originally planned so we need to keep our chin up and remember every person in your year feels the same, every person sitting an exam because we all have those questions in our head that cause sleepless nights. Just try and be encouraging to everyone you see because its going to help them, it shows them someone actually cares and is not just 'using' you.
The inspiration of this came from a video I saw on facebook this morning please check it out

Monday 4 May 2015


Hi Guys,
So thought I would just introduce my new blog because this is different from my old ones but I always wanted somewhere i can but my thoughts about school and education and stuff like that so I thought I would make a new blog where I just put all my opinions on school and rubbish like that. I will be uploading these quite frequently I will try and post one every day but there might be odd days missing.

Monday 4th April 2015

Exams are one week away well a week tomorrow and motivation was low today but I thought I needed to find away to be motivated, so I hit youtube and I remembered about ShayCarl's video in December called 'This Is My Year' and its basically a really good motivation video. So when I was revising I played this in the background. I will leave the link at the end of this post to the song, so go make sure to check it out and see it help you!
Also I have been procrastinating a lot recently but I have managed to prevent this today by making sure I had lots of brakes. Also when it got to a point where I was no longer concentrating I would have between 30-60 minute break and start again when I have got my concentration back.
Another thing you are going to have to do is to remember to eat healthy and drink lots of liquids (preferably no alcohol and something healthy) because if you don't this will distract will you a lot and could really affect you in the long run because it can turn into a bad habits or lead to a health problem which you don't want to be experiencing during exams.
SNACKS, I like to have snacks whilst I revise especially fruit because I personally feel like it keeps me going and gives me the energy to finish my revision. fruit is better than sweets and crisps because its going to give you more energy whereas sweets and crisps are more likely to distract you because it will make you hyper and want more of the unhealthy snacks because they are kind of addictive.
Desk and Bed, don't revise in your bed its much better if you use a table or a desk because when you work you WILL get stressed so it will be much better if you have somewhere where your body and mind knows to relax for instance your bed because you know you don't do work in your bed. whereas if you used your bed to work when you try and relax in your bed it won't be as easy because your mind thinks thats where you do work and not relax so you might you will still be stressed. Although its important to be comfortable so find yourself a comfortable chair or something to sit on whilst you work at your desk or a table.

Mandy xx

ShayCarl's video link -> 'This is my year'